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Self-Isolation, Tension, and How to Get Through It Together - Emma Grace Brown

Amit Bhuta

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I use non-traditional marketing to inspire the most motivated buyers to pay the max for Miami luxury homes...

Jul 9 4 minutes read

As the majority of the country continues on with self-isolation and stay-at-home orders, tensions are flaring, particularly in households where one or both adults are working at home for the first time. 

Add a couple of children that might not understand what’s happening around them, and you have a recipe for an open-ended round of anxiety. 

If you’re looking for ways to avoid tension and anxiety, keep reading for some tips.

Spend some time alone every day.

Back in March, many of us went from spending around 10 hours each day away from home to suddenly being inside with every member of our household around the clock. 

This is psychologically jarring, and people who worked from home before the pandemic may be feeling the strain of unwillingly sharing what amounts to their daytime office with everyone else. 

To alleviate some strain, take a walk by yourself, find a room to meditate, or simply go outside and tend the garden. Whatever you choose to do, make a conscious effort to break away from the noise and activity for at least 30 minutes every day. 

Break up the monotony.

If your days and nights are starting to bleed together, now’s the perfect time to find a new activity for your family to enjoy together. 

If you have kids, don’t be shy about ordering a new board game, which you can also use as a springboard for educational activities. 

Another activity you can do together that will offer a nice change of scenery is to go for a drive. Dorothy Wilhelm, a contributing writer for The Olympian, recalls fond memories of driving around with her family each Sunday. 

Taking a drive through your hometown can help you discover new places to visit and things to look forward to once the pandemic has subsided.
Talk about the differences in your views.

Coronavirus is a
polarizing topic, and not just in the media. Many couples now find themselves looking at the current crisis with very different opinions. 

One partner, for example, may think it’s perfectly okay to grill outside with the neighbors while the other believes that strict immediate-family-only isolation is the only way to flatten the curve. 

If you have found yourself arguing or holding a grudge over your spouse or partner’s mindset and actions, it’s time to talk about the elephant in the room. 

Although it’s often difficult to open up a conversation about uncomfortable topics, Irene Hansen Savarese, LMFT, a contributor to Good Therapy, offers lots of great advice, including sticking to “I” language and keeping the narrative focused on what’s most important.

Upgrade your space.

If the pandemic has proven one thing for many families it is that they do not have nearly enough space for their growing brood. 

And considering that many jobs are going to remain remote for the foreseeable future, the coming months may be the time to put your house on the market and move on to proverbial greener pastures. 

The ALL IN Miami Group can help you get your house sold and find the home of your dreams, one that’s large enough to accommodate everyone and every activity. 

And with mortgage rates at historic lows, this is the least expensive time in history to take out a mortgage.
The pandemic is stressful in and of itself. 

Combined with being stuck in the house with people, even people you love, all day, every day, the tension can feel unbearable at times. 

But with a few changes to your daily routine, such as spending time alone and finding new activities to enjoy together, you can get through the worst of it. 

And if you realize that your way of life will be impacted permanently, now’s the perfect time to give yourself and your family the space you need.