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Relocating Following the Loss of a Loved One


Relocating Following the Loss of a Loved One

Amit Bhuta

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I use non-traditional marketing to inspire the most motivated buyers to pay the max for Miami luxury homes...

Aug 23 5 minutes read

Losing someone you love can turn your world inside out.  Sometimes moving forward requires a change of scenery, but relocating can be difficult under any circumstances.  Follow these guidelines on how to navigate your transition.

Reconstructing your life.  You may feel like your entire life has changed, and in some ways it has.  Things will never be the same as they once were.  It’s important not to rush yourself.  You aren’t on a schedule for how long to grieve or when to make adjustments.  As Psychology Today explains, you need to heal from your loss and create a new rhythm in your life.  Don’t let others pressure you into any changes or making rash decisions.  In time, you will get through this and you will find a new way of living. 

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Buying and selling.  Moving is always a challenge, but following a major loss, you may not know where to begin.  This may be the first time you relocate alone as an adult, and it may be your first time purchasing a home on your own.  According to some experts, these tips can help you manage the process:

Hire a real estate agent.  An agent can assist you with both buying and selling a home. 

Apply for a loan.  If you are financing a purchase, you should get pre-approval on your loan and know your budget.

Research homes.  Finding the right place is no easy task.  You can do a lot of sorting through what is available by looking at homes online.  You may want to talk through your requirements with your realtor, and even make a list of what you want in a new home.

Negotiate.  When it comes time for making a purchase or sale, be prepared to negotiate.  Your realtor can help you with this by researching comparable properties and making comparisons. 

Decluttering and downsizing.  In the course of preparing for the move, you will need to perform the difficult task of sorting your departed’s belongings.  This will likely bring on a rollercoaster of emotions.  The Grief Toolbox explains you could experience everything from weeping to laughter as you revisit memories.  Allow yourself time to do this at your own pace.  

You may wish to have a friend help you who has been through the process or knew your loved one, or both.  Sometimes this kind of insight is invaluable in helping you with the emotional unfolding and decisions, and you may find healing in sharing stories as memories arise, prompted by the items you’re sorting.

You may choose to sort other items in the home as well, in part to make a more organized move as well as to make a refreshing start.  One piece of advice is to ask yourself these three questions:

Do I need it?

Do I love it?

Would I exchange inner peace for it?

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Only you can make these decisions, so take your time and make choices with care. Discard or sell what won’t be going to the new home and start packing what you will take. If you’re having trouble making up your mind on what to keep but need to get it out of your space, one option is to place some items into a self-storage unit. The average cost of renting a self-storage in Miami is $103.01 per month.

Don’t forget to stay organized throughout the process with the items you decide to keep. Some experts advise labeling boxes with room designations as you go, and packing a box or bag of your essentials to get through the first night in your new abode.

Moving out.  When it comes time for the move, you will want to organize not only your belongings but also the process that is involved.  There will be utilities to disconnect and connect, boxes to pack and unpack, address updates to make, and your home will need cleaning.  A moving checklist can be a big help for setting your schedule and keeping you on task.

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Fresh start.  Sometimes a change of scenery can help you regroup and reconstruct your life.  Losing a loved one is painful and creates upheaval in your world, so take your time.  You can manage your transition and begin again.

***Author Bio - Lucille Rosetti is the author of Life After Death: A Wellness Guide for the Bereaved  and responsible for helping many people get thru the loss a loved one a little bit easier.***

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